10 kVA Izolasyon Trafosu | 3DY Arge Electronics - Rectifier, Forklift Battery Charger and Plating Rectifier
  • <p>2 Year Warranty</p>

    2 Year Warranty

  • <p>100 % Domestic Production and National Capital</p>

    100 % Domestic Production and National Capital

  • <p>Isolation Transformer</p>

    Isolation Transformer

Featured Features

• Star, Triangle or Triangular Star Connection,

• Aluminum or Copper Winding according to preference,

• Suitable for IP20, IP23, IP54 or the desired protection class,

• Cooling with natural air (AN) or Forced air (AF)

• Special design according to internal or external use

• YY, DY or with the desired connection group

• High efficiency, Low idle working loss

• High overload resistance

• Voltage level at the desired values

  • Product Description
  • General Features
  • Usage Areas
  • Optional Features

Isolation Transformers; As the name suggests, are transformers produced by creating a good Decoupling between the primary winding and the secondary winding of the transformer.


Three-Phase Isolated Transformer and Single-Phase Isolated Transformer models are available. As there are small powerful isolated transformer models that can be used in electronic devices, mining facilities, hospitals, marinas, ships, etc. it can also be used in very large facilities.


Since there is insulation between the Primary and Secondary windings, an isolation transformer is especially used where there is a risk of people being Decapitated.


Isolation Transformers can also be used to obtain a neutral point in a network that does not have a neutral point.

Star, Triangle or Triangular Star Connection,

Aluminum or Copper Winding according to preference,

Suitable for IP20, IP23, IP54 or the desired protection class,

Cooling with natural air (AN) or Forced air (AF),

Special design according to internal or external use,

YY, DY or with the desired connection group,

High efficiency, Low idle working loss,

High overload resistance,

Voltage level at the desired values,

Industrial Sites,


Shipyards and CNC printing machines,

UC Paper Drying Machines,

Elevator Security Panels,

Hospitals and Operating Rooms

Please contact us for optional features of the product.